How to Get More Views on Etsy and Actually Make Sales?

In a competitive marketplace like Etsy, it is hard to get a lot of listing views. Etsy’s competitive rate shows straight through its active seller number, which was up to 6.60 million in Q2 2024. Not to mention, there are multiple sellers selling the same products with incredible SEO efforts within the marketplace. 

Although getting lots of views is hard, it isn’t impossible. Beyond that, learning how to get more views on Etsy and applying the practices are just one scroll away. You didn’t mishear a word because we are about to show you 8 tried-and-true ways on how to increase your visibility on Etsy: 

  • Optimizing Etsy SEO 
  • Updating or increasing listing quantity 
  • Improve listing image and video quality
  • Building a visually appealing storefront 
  • Leveraging social media 
  • Running Etsy ads
  • Updating trends and seasonal demands 
  • Using email marketing 

Ready to find out how to get more traffic on Etsy? Let’s go! 

How to Get More Views on Etsy in 8 Ways?

First, let’s talk about Etsy views. It’s how many times your listings and shop have been viewed. Yet, don’t mistake views for visits. For more information about these two, check out Etsy views vs visits

Now for the most awaited part, we’ll dive deep into 8 practices on how to increase views on Etsy!

1. Optimize your shop and listings for Etsy SEO 

how to get more views on etsy - optimize for etsy seo

Every seller needs to focus on their SEO performance. With good SEO performance, your listings are likely to land at the top result pages, which leads to higher views.

When you work on SEO, know that there are two types: Etsy SEO and Google SEO. Both search engines will affect your overall performance. 

For both search engines, make sure you have: 

  • A clear and engaging product title with the most relevant keywords inserted. 
  • Detailed product descriptions with everything your customers need and your crucial keywords. 
  • High-quality product images 
  • Consistency through your shop title, description, policy, etc. 
  • 5-star customer ratings 

For Google SEO, you may need: 

  • High-quality backlinks to your shop 

For Etsy SEO, you may need: 

  • SEO factors included in all product tags 
  • Engagement on the Etsy community 

2. Update or increase your listing quantity

increase etsy listings - how to get more traffic on etsy

One easy way to boost your Etsy store traffic is to increase your listing quality or update them. So, do these methods really relate to our question – how to increase Etsy views? 

First, increasing your listing quantity with an optimized SEO performance can raise your views. You may not get a ton of views for just a few listings, each listing possibly adds up to your total. 

Second, you should update your listings frequently on Etsy. This has to do with Etsy listing quality score (explained in our next part) and Etsy SEO as it relates to “recency”. 

Pro tips: Sellers in the Etsy community say that one should have around 20 to 50 listings for physical products. For those with digital products, consider 500 to 1000 listings.

3. Improve listing image and video quality 

etsy listing image quality - get more etsy views

How to get more views on Etsy? You get the best picture and video quality. For images, we recommend that you follow this checklist: 

  • Image size: Your images must have a minimum size of 1024×1024 pixels. Otherwise, it should be at 2048×2048 pixels
  • Image format: PNG and JPEG are suggested. Usually, JPEG can be the best with physical products, while PNG is ideal for digital listings. 

Additional tips for images: 

  • Avoiding compression so that your images won’t get blurred. 
  • Showcase products from multiple angles. 
  • Use contextual photos and show how products are useful to customers.

Now for the videos: 

  • Etsy states that the minimum resolution for your videos is 500 px. However, the ideal video resolution should be at least 1080 px
  • Your video aspect ratio for product listings should be either 2:1 or 1:2

Reminder One listing on Etsy can only have one video. In addition, Etsy notes that your video will be 3 to 15 seconds long with no audio attached

4. Build a visually appealing storefront

build a stunning store

More on how to get views on Etsy? It’s about your storefront – one of the key players not just in views but also sales potential. Similar to images and videos, a better looking storefront would get a lot more views, compared to a plain one. 

Basically, a storefront contains banners, logos, product pages, and shop icons. All of these elements need to be connected logically and visually. And to do so, embrace these practices: 

  • Create a brand kit so that your whole store can follow a brand guideline strictly. All elements are in alignment with one another. This is not only about visuals. It’s also about spreading brand identity and telling customers your story. 
  • You may want to focus on your banner. Banners are the very first thing popping up when someone visits your store. Customize them on your own using apps or hire a designer.

5. Leverage social media

leverage social media - how to increase views on etsy

You may have many chances to boost your shop’s overall visibility while leveraging social media. For the current trends, make use of TikTok and create engaging videos. If your content goes viral, you’ll be making not just views on Etsy but a whole fortune. 

Apart from TikTok, try to engage your audience on any active social media platform that goes dynamic within your area. For other social media platforms, creating a Youtube channel may benefit you in multiple ways. Topics such as product reviews or DIY videos are muchly advisable. 

6. Run Etsy ad campaigns

run ads on etsy

Advertising your products is an effective way to get more traffic to your Etsy shop. Remember there are onsite and offsite ads. 

Onsite ads are all about the result pages. On the other hand, offsite ads refer to all ads run outside of Etsy. It can be Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook. 

Now, how to get more Etsy views with onsite and offsite ads? Here’s some tips we suggest: 

  • Use the most relevant keywords: Choose keywords that relate to your items the most. In case the chosen ones are too competitive, try to look for long-tail keywords that are closer to your target audience’s search intent. 
  • Take high quality pictures: The visual plays a key role. You probably want to showcase your products in the best lighting and angles. 
  • Set your budget: For small shops, we suggest you go for Etsy onsite ads to boost your views. Also, make sure you set a daily budget and monitor them closely. 
  • Use A/B testing: This would be a great way to measure your ads’ effectiveness and pick one with the best performance. 

7. Stay updated with trends and seasonal demands

how to get etsy views - stay updated with seasonal demands

Keeping up with seasonal demands may be the answer to how to get more views on Etsy. This requires you to track and utilize Etsy seller tools (eRank, Etsy seller dashboard, Etsy search bar, etc.) to learn about the upcoming trends and demands. Besides, social media platforms like Instagram or Pinterest can help you get some cool ideas. 

Le’ts take an example. It’s a few weeks from Halloween, so you should be planning on selling Halloween items from now on. It’s time to check all the search trends to see which items are getting the most attention. Then, have a plan for manufacturing or outsourcing and start listing them on Etsy. 

8. Promote your shop with email marketing

use email marketing to get more views on etsy

Here comes our last trick, regarding how to get views on Etsy – using email marketing to promote your shop and items. Speaking of which, there are some key points: 

  • Build a logical email flow: Determine what and who you’ll send emails to. Then, divide cases and what to send in each. 
  • Establish your goals for each email marketing activities: The clearer you define your goals, the more precise you’ll orient these emails. 
  • Build your list: For those who sell on Etsy, you can build a list based on your customers’ behaviors (what products they buy, what products get the most views, etc.).
  • Choose a relevant email type: There are promotional, customer journey, nurturing, transactional, re-engagement, and questionnaire. Choose one that serves you the most.

Pro tips: Try A/B testing for each email sent then decide which one works the best for you. 

What Factors Impact Your Views on Etsy? 

More about our question: How to get more views on Etsy? Does any factor impact your total Etsy views? Yes, in fact, there is a list divided into 2 categories: Factors that are in your control and factors that are out of your control. 

Factors that are in your control 

factors that affect your views on etsy

We’ll get further into what you can control when it comes to getting more views on Etsy first. 

  • Number of listings: Having limited listings may lead to your low listing views. However, more listings doesn’t always mean more views.  
  • Keywords: The keyword factor relates closely to listing relevancy and your SEO efforts. The more relevant keywords your listings and shop have, the more chance you can get a good ranking in the result pages.
  • Listing image and video quality: The third factor we want to focus on is image and video quality. It’s obvious that shoppers are more attracted to a shop listing with excellent visual quality. 
  • Listing recency: Updating your listings on Etsy would be crucial for Etsy SEO efforts and Etsy listing quality score, which affect your rankings.  
  • Language and translation: Language and translation is a huge factor for Etsy international sellers, affecting listing views overall. 
  • Shipping price: Shipping price may affect your views on Etsy since it falls into one of the factors, based on which Etsy ranks your listings. 

How to Sell on Etsy for Beginners

Factors that are out of your control 

As we speak of the things you can control, let’s now talk about ones that you cannot. 

  • Shopping habits and styles: You can’t control what a shopper’s taste and shopping habits are. But you can list items according to those insights.  
  • Shoppers’ retention: This has much to do with customer loyalty. However, for those who are selling consumption goods, we think retention is very much out of your control, even for big brands.
  • Shoppers’ budget: According to Hubspot, economy uncertainty has tightened budgets and job securities. This can lead to a decrease in shopping budget.
  • Etsy listing quality score: Etsy has an undisclosed score for each listing. Such quality scores are affected by favorites, clicks, and perhaps retention.
  • Shop ratings: Shop rating is the average of all reviews your shop has in 12 months. So, we recommend you always put effort into getting 5-star ratings for every item sold.

The Bottom Line 

Did you get your answer to the big question – How to get more views on Etsy yet? By following our tactics and applying them in alignment with your business, you’ll get somewhere with your Etsy views, and perhaps further than expected. 

That’s for the topic. Besides this one, we have numerous others on Etsy for sellers out there. And let’s not forget about Masstic – an All-in-one analytic platform that actually helps you make data-driven decisions and sales on Etsy. If you have any interest, contact us. We’ll be more than happy to assist. 

Happy selling!

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