How to Optimize Etsy SEO: 13 Expert Tips to Get Noticed


Etsy has 6.60 million active sellers, that have grown tremendously during the last three years. While this attracts a lot of sales, Etsy sellers, like you, face stiff competition. If buyers do not see your product, they won’t buy it. And usually, when customers search for a product, they only look for the first results.

It is the reason why we write this article to show you how to optimize Etsy SEO effectively, with the best practices and helpful insights. Let’s get it straight with us!

1. What is SEO on Etsy?

SEO stands for search engine optimization, and in this article, the main search engine we are working on is Etsy – a perfect marketplace for handmade gifts, vintage & on-trend clothes, unique jewelry, and more.



Simply speaking, Etsy SEO is the process of optimizing your Etsy shop and listings so that they rank higher in Etsy search results. This can help you reach more potential customers and increase your sales. 

But how to get my Etsy listings on first page?

It is a good question, that we will solve in the next sections after we understand thoroughly how the Etsy algorithm works. Let’s check it out!

2. How Does Etsy SEO Work?

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of helping search engines understand what your content is about. 

It helps your ideal customers find your online shop/website easily, whether it’s on Google, Pinterest, YouTube, or Etsy. All of these websites that I’ve mentioned are search engines. People use the search bar to find things. And it is the same for Etsy.



So when it comes to Etsy SEO, first of all, when a customer searches for a word on the search bar, Etsy will determine how well your product listing aligns with that search query by analyzing keyword relevance. But more than that, there are various factors that can change the outcome in the playground of Etsy. Make sure that you will take them into consideration carefully when optimizing Etsy SEO:

  • Relevancy: As mentioned, products that closely align with a customer’s search intent will have more chances to rank higher. 
  • Recency: Etsy prioritizes newer or recently updated listings to promote active sellers and fresh products.
  • Shipping: Competitive shipping prices, including free shipping and fast delivery, can positively impact rankings.
  • Language and translation: Listing products in multiple languages can expand your reach to international customers.
  • Shop location: In certain regions like the EU, Australia, and Canada, local sellers may have a slight advantage in search rankings.
  • Customer habits: Etsy’s algorithm considers customer preferences and purchase history to display relevant products.
  • Context-specific ranking: Customer Shopping Behavior (CSR) factors into Etsy’s search algorithm, helping to show products that align with buyer preferences.

Yes, in fact, the search algorithm will understand your content by recognizing terms you’ve used frequently. But for Etsy, the proper keywords in your listings and driving traffic to them isn’t enough. 

For your listings to rank higher, you must have a sufficient number of sales and conversions. With all of the various things we mentioned, it is clear that you must pay attention to optimizing all aspects of your shop to really stand out in this competitive market.

Let’s keep scrolling down and we will tell you how to be a winner in this game with helpful Etsy SEO tips!

3. How to optimize Etsy SEO: 13 best practices

3.1. Include your primary product in your shop title

When looking for Etsy shop name ideas, if you can include what you sell in your shop title, that would be ideal so people know right away what to expect from your Etsy store. For example, if you are selling handmade gifts with the brand name “Enchs”, then it is recommended to use an option like “Enchs Handmade World”.

3.2. Find relevant keywords for your Etsy listings

There are several ways to learn which keywords Etsy buyers use. 

On Etsy, Amazon Handmade, or similar platforms, you can start typing keywords that describe your product. Because you can’t directly copy these, you can write them down on a Google Excel sheet. These suggestions often reflect real buyer searches that led to sales, making them valuable for your listings.

Although this method is free, it requires manual effort and doesn’t provide search volume data.

In addition, you can choose a quicker approach with valuable data by paid keyword research tools. Some popular and useful apps for Etsy sellers include Marmalead, MerchantWords, or Ubersuggest.



Google searches are the last place to look because they don’t really reflect Etsy buyer searches, whereas the others above do.

If your budget is tight, you can choose a one-month subscription to an Etsy-specific tool like Marmalead. You should make the most use of that month to gather a comprehensive list of keywords and related data. After you have the initial keyword strategy, you can cancel the subscription and rely on the compiled data. In the future, if you need to expand your product line, you can revisit the tool for fresh insights based on new shopper trends.

3.3. Add keywords to your Etsy shop

After you have a list of the most popular search terms, here are the areas of your Etsy store to include keywords for SEO:

  • Your shop title
  • Your shop bio / “About” page
  • Your shop announcement
  • Your product description
  • Product categories
  • Tags
  • Shop policies and terms

Remember, you can add keywords to all of these areas, but make sure they are located naturally and strategically. We will give you more details about how to rank high on Etsy with the most vital sections on your Etsy shop in the next sections.

>> Check out some inspiring Etsy shop announcement examples here!

3.4. Use short but descriptive product titles

One of the most important factors in improving Etsy’s SEO is product title. 

Before choosing your product title, you should search for it on Etsy and browse the results of other sellers. According to these results, you can define the popular keywords that Etsy sellers usually use to describe this product and include this keyword in your title. 


(*) Pro tip: The first 30 characters (first few words) of your title are the most essential for SEO because both Etsy bots and your customers will read them first to determine immediately what your product is about. Hence, make sure to include the most popular buyer keywords at the beginning. 

3.5. Write catchy and compelling descriptions

Although we emphasize that keywords are supposed to appear in your product description, always make sure that they are natural, attractive, and catchy. You need to let your product description do its mission – it needs to be informative and engaging by accurately describing your products. 

All of the relevant information that your customers would need to know, such as the materials used, the dimensions, how to access it after purchase, the care instructions, and FAQs are supposed to be included here.

In addition, if you have unique tips and tricks, for instance on how to smarten up an old pair of clogs, or the history of painted clog designs, then Etsy can boost you in the rankings. 

3.6. Use all 13 tags in each listing

Etsy allows you to use up to 13 tags for each listing. Be sure to take advantage of all 13 tags to increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.



For example, if you are selling “Retro Shoes”, you can use tags such as Retro Shoes, Vintage Shoes, Red Shoes, White Shoes, New Fashion Shoes, not just the word Vintage in the tags.

3.7. Avoid using the same keyword too often

A common pitfall that you should avoid is keyword stuffing. If you’ve ever read a page that just repeats a word over and over again without really telling you anything interesting, how annoying it can be? 

Currently, Etsy and other search engines are getting smart enough to work this out, so make sure your Etsy shop offers useful and readable content for ordinary humans and not just keyword spamming for SEO.

3.8. Choose catchy and representative pictures

Etsy’s search engine also takes into account the quality of your listing photos and videos. The clear, visually appealing photos and videos can showcase your product from various angles. They can help your listings stand out from the competition and make them more appealing to Etsy buyers. 



Also, don’t forget to use keywords in your image filenames and alt text to each image to explain its content to Etsy bots.

3.9. Watch out for competitors’ pricing 

It is suggested to compare your competitors’ prices to yours to determine if you are offering a competitive price. No doubt that pricing will directly decide the choice of your customers.

Also, by analyzing how your competitors position their products in terms of value, and assessing any discounts, promotions, or sales they are running, you will learn valuable lessons and insights from them to shape the decision-making for your Etsy business.

3.10. Promote your shop on social media

Sharing your Etsy listings on social media can help to increase traffic to your shop and improve your search ranking. Here are some ways you can promote your shop and products online:

  • Pinterest 
  • Facebook
  • Tiktok
  • Instagram
  • Blogging
  • Podcast
  • YouTube
  • Collaborate with KOLs/influencers to gain visibility for your brand/business


3.11. Aim to become a top seller with positive feedback

Once you start selling on Etsy, getting customers, and receiving positive reviews, it’ll be easier for new people who stumble on your product listings and Etsy store to trust you because other people do too.

The more positive reviews you have, the more chances Etsy SEO gives you to show your products in front of Etsy buyers.

(*) Note: You can check for a comprehensive guide on how to ask customers for reviews on Etsy effectively here.

3.12. Renew your listings regularly

Every year, there are various new trends and popular culture elements in every industry. For example, if there is a Retro and Vintage trend this year, make sure to use these popular words in your titles. 

Also, Etsy’s search algorithm gives preference to newer listings, so it is a good idea to renew your listings and keep them updated.

3.13. Provide a great customer experience

Last but not least, when it comes to how to improve SEO on Etsy, besides keywords, listings, photos, reviews, or anything else, remember to provide your customers with excellent support services. It can turn a visitor into a buyer, or even a brand advocate. 


And when your store gets more customers and more sales, Etsy will understand that your store is worth recommending to other potential searchers.

4. Conclusion

We need to face this fact – there are millions of people selling their own products on Etsy, so if you want to make more sales, you have to ask yourself how to optimize Etsy SEO to stand out from the crowd. 

Etsy SEO is an ongoing process, but it’s worth the effort. We hope that this article can be a huge help to boost your rankings on Etsy search pages. If you have any questions or experiences to share about your Etsy stories, feel free to contact our Masstic team!

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